June gloom will be burned away by Dark Pinup’s Ember Burn event, starting soon. For the duration of the Ember Burn event users can choose to toss their cards into the burnpile and in return accumulate points on the Ember Burn leaderboard.
What is the Ember Burn event?
The Ember Burn is a special event in Dark Pinup that will take place only during the month of June. Burning your Dark Pinup cards during this event will earn points that will be redeemed for Ember Packs, automatically sent to your WAX account at the end of the event.
What is burning?
Burning a card means destroying the card forever. WAX digital collectible sets incorporate a mechanic called burning where cards are permanently destroyed and the user is rewarded with either points or a guaranteed NFT. In the Ember Burn event, burning cards will earn points which results in Ember Packs being awarded to the account at the end of the event.
How do I burn my cards?
Right click on your cards in your atomichub.io inventory and click burn. The card will be PERMANENTLY removed from your inventory. Your card is sent to an address that can never recover your cards, so take caution before doing any burn action.
Why would I burn my Dark Pinup cards?
Burning is an act of faith. For burning your cards you are rewarded with Ember Packs that will help you complete your entire set and contain cards not previously seen in the set. They do not replace your existing assets and the choice to burn is up to you. Buying the Ember packs on the secondary market after the event is an option if burning does not interest you — allowing you to still participate in the fun!
When does the event start?
The event will start this Friday at 00:00:01 UTC. Initially, it was planned to launch the event exactly at the first moment of June, but with the Memorial day holiday the team delayed the start until after the extended weekend.
What if cards are burned now?
Well, actually, cards can’t be burning right now. Burning is temporarily disabled to prevent anyone from burning assets before the event starts. After the event has begun burning will resume and will continue to be open until after the event concludes.
What can be earned?
The Ember Burn event is not to be taken lightly. Burning your cards for points is for those brave enough to risk what they have to achieve the ultimate goal — a complete set of 44 Ember and 44 Tin cards.
What do points do?
Earning points on the burnpile leaderboard at darkpinup.com guarantees Ember Packs. Ember Packs are a new type of Dark Pinup pack with 4 cards inside. Three of the cards will be either of the new Ember or Tin variants! A fourth card is a special card that is the same in each pack.
What is inside of an Ember Pack?
An Ember Pack contains three Ember or Tin cards (4 cards total including the info card), which fit somewhere above and below the Extremely Scarce Prismatallic rarity if around 50% of Ember Packs were claimed. It is not possible to know how many packs will be claimed or opened, but it was designed for Ember Packs to be rare and highly sought after in the Dark Pinup collection. Ember cards are designed to be more scarce than Tin cards, while both variants are designed to eventually be more rare than Very Scarce and below.
What are the points earned per asset?
This is the breakdown of the points earned by burning your Dark Pinup cards. The points earned are structured to be fair, with special incentives given to those that purchased and earned Special Candlelights, Wrappers, as well as Burnt Flyers. Everyone is rewarded for participating in this burn event.
Name | Points
Burnt Flyer | 5
(EMPTY) Burnt Full Pack Wrapper | 30
Special Candlelight | 60
(EMPTY) Burnt Collector’s Box Wrapper | 45
Base | 35
Noir | 35
Memento | 55
Print | 55
Model Mark | 130
Artist Sig | 130
Prisma | 140
Candlelight | 1450
Special Memento | 37500
Points Needed per Ember Pack | 900
What is needed to earn an Ember Pack?
Each time an account accrues 900 points it will earn one Ember Pack at the end of the event. For example, if an account burns 6 Model Marks, for a total of 780 points, it would not earn a pack, but if the account burns 7 Model Marks for a total of 910 points, it will earn one Ember Pack. Burning assets from any category will add up to the same total points for an account. If you burn 6 Model Marks, and 3 Collector’s Box Burnt Wrappers, you will still earn one Ember Pack.
How can I track total points earned?
A leaderboard will be launching soon at darkpinup.com to track total points earned. It will go live with the beginning of the event. This blog and our social media channels will be updated with the adjusted launch date and time, when it is announced.
Why is there a fourth card in the packs?
The additional card is a special informational card that collectors will want to keep in their collection. It will be a special type of token for the journey of Dark Pinup: Act One.
What about set rewards?
Having a completed set of every variant in Dark Pinup will become very important after June. Remember not to burn every card or be left wanting when June comes to a close. More information on set completion rewards will be coming soon and trust that it will be worth the effort.
Any Leaderboard Rewards?
Everyone can be rewarded for participating in this burn event. Special favor will be bestowed upon the top 10, with differing prizes for participants closest to rank #1.
What is next?
Look for more information on the Ember Burn event coming shortly. In the meantime, catch an AMA with the Dark Pinup artist and FACINGS team this Sunday at 10am PST/ 1pm EST in the FACINGS telegram channel.
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